Ways to Help

Donate Online

While every gift is much appreciated, it is the strength of recurring monthly electronic giving that blesses us the most. Please consider partnering with us as a Friend for Life Giver! PRMC is funded primarily through the donations of individuals, businesses and organizations in Fort Bend County. All donations are tax deductible.

Ways to Give

Let someone in need know that we are here and available to help.

Below is a list of many ways you can help. Help us spread the word through your church, bible study, friends or neighbors. We can provide displays or printed information to distribute or place in your locations.

Amazon Smile

This program will allow purchases made through Amazon to automatically donate 0.5% of your purchase to the charity you select. Please select the Pregnancy Resource Medical Center as your charity.

Network for Good

These donations help cover our center's operating and supplies costs. (All forms of checks and cash accepted. Donations are tax deductible)

goodsearchGood Search

Earn about a penny for PRMC every time you do an internet search!

Good Search is a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it’s powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results.

Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year without anyone spending a dime! Just go to http://goodsearch.com/ and be sure to enter Pregnancy Resource Medical Center of Fort Bend County as the charity you want to support. Even better, go to http://goodsearch.com/toolbar to download the toolbar.
Keep it handy in Internet Explorer (or FireFox) with PRMC already entered as the charity you wish to support. And please, spread the word to others!

Kroger & Randalls Partnership with PRMC

Both grocery store programs make donations for every purchase you make with your store card. Link your card as follows:

  • Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor - Create a digital account with Kroger Community Rewards and link your card to the Pregnancy Resource Medical Center – Organization Number SE197
  • Randalls Good Neighbor Program – Stop at the Courtesy Booth to link your Remarkable Card to the PRMC account # 1442.

Thank you for your support!

In-Kind Donations

The Mommy Store makes clothing and furnishings for Mother and Baby available as part of the Learn/Earn/Plan Program. Items are accepted throughout the year and include diapers, maternity clothing, and baby clothing. Large and small items are accepted at the Rosenberg location. These donations allow PRMC to provide physical support to women and their babies. Thank you so much for you donations!

Hygiene Products:mommy and baby supplies

  • Tooth Brush
  • Tooth paste
  • Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Tampons and Pads

Baby Items:

  • Diapers size 3
  • Diapers size 4
  • Diapers size 5
  • Diapers size 6
  • Pull ups (All sizes)
  • Wipes
  • Diaper rash cream



Need help? Have a question? We're here to help.

Pregnancy Resource Medical Center

Hours of Operation:
  • Monday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday
    9:00am - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday
    9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Fill out my online form.

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.